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News from the Barnyard

Yes, I finally have to concede that fall weather has really arrived. The first killing frost has made its appearance. Leaves on the trees are turning early this year due to a drought, the colors are beautiful but short-lived. Some leaves are only hanging on for a few days of color and some trees have already lost their leaves. Bushes are vibrant reds and yellows. Apples have fallen to the ground and make a tasty morning snack for the deer. The air has a fresh crispness that just makes you want to take in big gulping breaths, just to feel the coolness. So, I guess it is time to admit that summer is gone.

Jasmine Detours Killer
Summer’s departure has really been going on for a month now anyway. By Labor Day, the orioles and wrens had vacated their nests. The rams have been butting their heads and fighting for the affections of the ewes for several weeks now, meaning our new lambs will arrive about 5 months from now. Unfortunately, coyotes made a killing visit to one field while one of the donkeys was recovering from a foot injury. We were fortunate really in that they only got 2 sheep as they are often known to kill and mutilate whole flocks of sheep. This means we probably only had one or two coyotes "visit". The donkeys usually make very good guards for the sheep as they hate dogs and coyotes and will chase them out of the fields, protecting the sheep. Instead of staying in the field with the sheep, Jasmine chose to hang out in the barn one night to nurse her injured foot. Those coyotes are smart enough that they knew exactly when to take advantage of the sheep’s vulnerability. We only had the incident the one night, as Jasmine has been on active duty ever since.

Birds Are Flying The Coop
Flocks of migrating geese can be seen flying over the fields, while a flock of waxwings makes a daily trip to the crabapple and/or mountain ash trees for fruits to eat. The chickadees, tufted titmice, and goldfinches have been hanging around the feeders, even bringing their young for a meal, so I am now obligated to keep the feeders full of seed. This week the birdfeeders have seen the arrival of the nuthatches, cardinals, sparrows, and of course blue jays.

We are starting to see the effects of this past year’s drought. The waterfalls at Letchworth State Park are the lowest we’ve ever seen them in our 20 years here, and there is no river flow at the Mt. Morris dam. We walked the St. Helena trail down to the Genesee River at Letchworth last week, and you can literally walk across the river right now over very shallow water. There are no whitewater or tidal pools to worry about. This is the only time we have been able to see the bottom of the riverbed and actually walk across it. Since the opportunity presented itself, we walked the river and discovered very interesting rock formations along the riverbed. What made this so interesting is that this is an area of the river where you typically can not stand up as the force of the water is so strong.

We have added a new free UniqueFarm Coloring Book for kids has been added to the website, so those of you with children, check it out

We have also added some new items and reduced the price on Beanie Babies.

The Legend of the UniJack
The UniJack was born so they say,
On a sunny afternoon in the month of May.
If luck lets you find him while at play,
You will hear him singing his favorite bray.

From the union of the mythical unicorn,
And a donkey by the name of Jack,
A baby donkey with a horn was born,
And so they named him UniJack.

Next Edition
Fall 1999 Edition

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